rude evin
Oops....found some more
12/1/2015 10:08:20 PM
* "We'll have the (health care) negotiations televised on C-Span" ....candidate Obama promised no fewer than 8 times this would happen.
* "If I'm the Dem Nominee, I will aggressively pursue an aggreement with the Repub nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election".....pledged on Sept 2007, broke it in June 2008.
* "My father left my family when I was 2 yrs old"......mom and new born son moved to Seattle within weeks of the birth
* BHO blames Pentagon for lack of ISIS strategy..........Pentagon responds" What the f--- was that.......we have given lots of options, he just hasn't acted on any of them"
* "Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this Presidency."...........David Sanger, veteran Chief Washington Corresp of NYTimes..............."This is the most closed, control freak Administration I've ever covered" It has been said that this one has been violated more than a goat at a progressive Taliban bachelor party.
I'm gonna type this slow for you...........everytime Obama violates the Constitution he is making a lie of the oath he took:
Five of the top 10 Constitutional violations.....just in 2013: 1) Delay of OBC out of pocket caps, 2) Delay of OBC employer mandate, 3) Delay of OBC insurance requirements, 4) Exemption of Congress from OBC, 5) Expansion of the employer mandate penalty thru IRS regulation........ I. Shapiro, editor-in-chief of Cato Supreme Court Review