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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
11/24/2009 3:53:43 PM
A. There is irrefutable proof that the Earth’s climate has been vacillating, globally, for hundreds of millions of years. At various times throughout history, the land that is now New York City, Miami, Long Island, Cape Hatteras, Cape Cod …and just for grins… Suffolk, Virginia has been alternately high and dry, or completely submerged.
B. There was farming going on in Greenland before Columbus left Hispania.
C. The climate is either warming or cooling globally, or about to change direction during my chronologically insignificant lifetime. Even given that the current hysteria is true, if I owned an ocean-front condo in Orange Beach Alabama, I would be dead before sea level inconveniently reached my patio.
D. There are well over a hundred models for predicting global climate change and none of them agree. (Note: I am a geophysicist, “give me some data and tell me what you want to prove… I can do it.”) We cannot accurately predict the weather four days from now, how can we predict the climate forty years hence? As a geophysicist, I am used to my data, calculations, and results being poured over by quality assurance specialists, engineers, and scientists (peers). The global warming data should be so subjected.
E. Al Gore is about to do for us what Rachel Carson did for the children of Africa. Let’s not go blindly down that road again. Rachel Carson’s works were widely believed and resulted in the precipitous withdrawal of a pesticide (DDT) which was holding malaria at bay in Africa. The (single set of) data she used was later proven to be faulty. Millions of children have since died of malaria(The law of unintended consequences).
F. It is my educated observation that cyclical fluctuations in solar activity, frequency of volcanic eruptions, and perturbation of the Earth’s axis have significantly more to do with global warming than CO2 produced by mankind. I have participated in a control study on the climatic effects of solar cycles. If you are interested in a journey down this route start by Googling the “Maunder Minimum.”
G. Despite what you are being told, many more scientists are skeptical, or in the least have reservations, about the human role in global warming than have signed onto the raucous parade led by Al Gore.
H. How much of YOUR income and savings are YOU willing to spend on “Global Warming”? Phrased differently, do you fiscally believe in global warming as caused by human beings? Remember, even advocates of the Kyoto Treaty do not believe that complete success in complying with the treaty will have any significant impact on global warming. How much of your funds are you willing to invest in an insignificant endeavor?
H. I am NOT against any study or investigation of global warming. I only advocate such being done in the full light of science and peer review. And, that reasonable and deliberate measures be taken if such are warranted.
I. What would make global cooling more amenable? Would cooling be better for mankind than warming? Was the Ice Age better for the environment than global warming?
J. If you really want something to worry about, the earth is long overdue for a reversal of its magnetic field. And we are certainly in the path of an asteroid which we have not yet discerned. There is also abundant, irrefutable evidence for such past events.