Ivermectin on sale at Tractor Supply!!!!!!
10/1/2021 1:51:56 PM
Your situation of caring for someone with lung cancer really puts much more pressure on your need to be careful to avoid exposure everywhere you go. God bless, and continue to be careful. My situation is much more relaxed and I rarely wear a mask (Walmart, etc.) and I have gotten in the habit of avoiding large gatherings of strangers, but I live on the lake….living in the country has definite advantages when it comes to unwanted exposure. Worst part is having to be careful around grandkids. Four of our seven, all college, have had covid, so if you want to self infect…..just go hangout around a college. Oh, college students refuse to be tested for Covid….if they are tested positive they are moved to a different dorm, and can’t go to parties, class, etc. Also, I have a close relative who preaches the same krap as MM, and most other politically motivated folks. Glad you got your shots. Good luck.