Last Sears Store in Chicago - lights out
7/15/2018 7:23:08 PM
It depends on what I am shopping for. I love the personal attention when I am trying to put together an outfit, especially if the person in the store has some ideas I wouldn't think of. There was a great department store in VA called Garfinkels (since gone kaput) that had wonderful clothes and the sales women would go look for the accessories I needed (of course, this comes at a cost). I loved Nordstrom when Nordstrom had excellent customer service. It seems to me like it has slipped over the years and it is no longer what it was. Additionally, Nordstrom has been plowing money into their Rack stores and not their regular stores.
I miss independent book stores. They always had books that I had never heard of, the owners would make recommendations and it was just a nice place to explore. About the time they started going out of business, I had to decamp to e-books, because I read so much pretty soon I had books stacked everywhere.
But so few people have enough time these days to spend a day shopping, I'm afraid that online is going to be the wave of the future.
(My mother worked for Sears, in their credit department, back in the 70s, so it is a bit sad to see them going from a solid middle class store to out of business).