OK, let's stick to the knitting here.
9/21/2016 1:18:31 PM
We could probably debate historical parallels to Germany all year long and get no where, I think. The question I ask is "what would it take to operationalize Trump's campaign promises?".
Someone suggested we would close the borders to Muslims first. OK. How exactly do you do that? Do you ask questions about everyone's religious preferences at the border crossings? What would that procedure look like? Would we need to verify that they were telling the truth beyond just asking them to check a box saying they were not Muslim? Are we only asking this question of people from selected countries? If so, which ones?
And what if they are Muslim but have legitimate business interests or family in the US? Would you include banning both businessmen & tourists?
What does the screening tool for keeping Muslims out look & sound like?
I'd like to hear opinions about the other scenario (that being exactly what a deportation program for 11.1 million people will look like), too. I'm just looking for operational descriptions here, less interested in debating whether we are in favor of Trump's ideas or not.
By what methods would we carry out his ideas? Any takers?