Another Reason Why We Need hIllary
8/26/2016 3:32:47 PM
Here is how I can say otherwise.....1 in 10 in this country lack insurance cov'g. Even after the significant reforms passed on both sides of the aisle, cost remains THE biggest factor (Even after Obama said that costs would decrease). Roughly 87% of individuals with healthcare cov'g either have employer sponsored cov'g, Medicare or Medicaid (which is a federal AND state system of insurance). 4 % have gained insurance via the exchange. Those in the 10% or so without insurance fall into 3 statistical groups: people who don't sign up (hardly a republican issue), people who qualify for medicaid but who have not enrolled (hardly a republican issue) and undocumented illegal immigrants, (again hardly a republican issue). So where you can blame one political party for the 30 million without insurance continues to baffle me.
Medicaid expansion is/was optional to states. 31 decided to expand. I believe that leaves 19 who decided not to, including a wide swatch of the south. If budgets support expansion, let the voters decide. If budgets don't support expansion, again let the voters decide. I don't agree with Governors via executive orders, mandating Medicaid expansion. We already have Medicaid eligible individuals who don't sign up as it is.
As far as one payor Healthcare, try this on for size. The ACA now requires that any provider that accepts HHS funding, ie, Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Advantage post in his office, on his website and on any other item of advertising, that he/she does not discriminate on the basis of yadayadayada........and, now we are required on our OWN dime, to supply translators for the top 15 languages spoken in your particular state for those who don't speak THE LANGUAGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, which happens to be English. If you think for one minute that a national single payor healthcare system will result in the best and brightest persuing a field in the healthcare industry, you are mistaken. This recent ACA law validated my decision years ago to not participate in these systems. I would rather charitably work with individuals on these form of insurances anyday than be tied to them and have to abide by absurd rules such as these. And they go on and on and on and on......