Shortbus-Building #7
9/12/2015 12:30:09 PM
I agree with Hound. The conspiracy BS is an insult to the memory of those who died.
Fact:...Building 7 was not 3 or 4 blocks away but was a part of the WTC and directly across the street from the Twin Towers with only an 8 story building separating the 47 story Building 7 from the 100+ story towers.
Fact:...Building 7 was not destroyed by explosions but by a raging inferno of fire,... Steel does not burn but it does buckle under long term intense heat.
Fact:...Building 7 was not the first steel frame building to collapse due to fire. It was the first that day!
Fact:...We are not teenagers who do not remember the event and the coverage. Of course the two much larger buildings that were the tallest in NYC and which were actually hit by the plane received the most attention, but the collapse of building 7 was extensively covered as part of the overall coverage. It was not "forgotten" or "ignored".
Fact:...Thes theories are delusional nonsense!!