Reading comprehension
9/21/2019 10:02:24 PM
Doesn't seem credibility is very important to you. I still haven't been provided any reason that would cause me to blow away my theory that wix is you in disguise. Like you, wix steadfastly refuses to engage in real dialogue off the forum. That is where real ideas, rationale, and opinions can be discussed as adults interested in real dialogue. You know who I am and I know who you are, but didn't get your attention until I mentioned a certain doctor that is doing good deeds in the big city. Unlike Lifer I have no interest in outing anyone but would like to carry on a real conversation devoid of posturing and bloviating. Doesn't seem to be possible with anyone (with one exception) on the left on this forum. Your/their choice, not mine.
I find wix's posts as distatsteful or even more than yours, Archie's, or JD...and phil is strident yet brings up good points. Martini is solidly conservative, a climate change doubter, and sticks strictly by his Catholic upbringing and the teachings of the Church. Hound sits back and then provides reasoned opinions based on her experiences in the swamp and five sided funny farm. Some of the others...like me retired from the military, look at things from a more pragmatic and less emotional viewpoint. They/I try to make reasoned arguments based on 20 to 30 year careers ensuring that we as a country can live in ppeace within our borders.
So, if you want to have a real conversation email me and give me a phone number where you can be reached...doesn't have to be your real number just one where you would answer and we could chat a bit and maybe understand a little better where each of us is coming from.
Ball is in your court.