Reading comprehension
9/21/2019 10:43:18 AM (updated 9/21/2019 10:44:42 AM)
"So the point being made is they are the same relision and that is both true and not true."
Hmmm... so saying that Baptists, Episcopalians, Catholics, Greek Orthodox, "are the same relision [sic] ..... is both true and not true."
What is this, Schrodinger's Devotee? We share a religion but have different religions? Every major religion has subsects. Christianity tops them all in that department.
"In conjunction with our relationship with Israel the US is extremely interested in maintaining a balance of power in the Middle East and a loose alliance with the Saudis serves as part of that balancing act."
That is a transparently disingenuous way of trying to sanitize the fact that the US has been directly interfering (e.g., the CIA-initiated coup that installed Mohammad Shah Reza Pahlavi in 1952) in the internal affairs of sovereign Middle Eastern countries for more than a century.
FYI, Africa is much larger and has vastly greater population than the Middle East, yet somehow the US has never concerned itself with a "balance of power" in that continent.
It's all about petrodollars and has been since Western powers partitioned the Middle East for their own benefit post-WWI.