Who is Solar Winds?
12/15/2020 9:00:28 AM
It seems that they are in business with Dominion. Surprise, surprise, surprise! The two top officials have been dumping stock since the election in what appears to be them trying to cash out before the fit hits the shan. Foriegn influence?
Here is a link to the EO of September 2018 jsut for you libs because I know NONE of your sources are talking about it.
POTUS E.O. of September 2018
ONe has to wonder if he chose the 45 days for any specific resaon. I think it had to be after the Electorial College vote. By certifying illegally elected Electors they knowingly and willfully violated the law. POTUS even warned them on Sunday they would be committing serious crimes to do so. I like to think it was somewhat symbolic also since he is POTUS 45
So archie, are you prepared for that "Marshall Law" yet? I hope not. I hope you go hungy and with sh!tty pants after the first few days. Call me if you do, I will bring you survival goods, but only in the form of ammunition....lol.