Michael Langston
6/21/2018 11:06:58 AM
Thank you sir for asking a question instead of accusing... like some of the others on this forum.
I was showed guilty by the commission for irragularly moving funds from one accoutn to the other. I had a business manager in charge fo those accounts and she moved money, sometimes with my approval sometimes not. However I am responsible and thats why i recieved the fine and pentaly
Also during this time, there a crook in my midst and he took over my company I built for 50K... by forging documents. Now I cant get the kangaroo courts here to do anything.
he has now basically bankrupt the company and opened up under a new name.
however please note no money was ever missing, and no closing was ever delayed due to escrow money and the public was never in jepordy was in danger of loosing their money.
Check my track record of sales, devlopments, closings and fundraising efforts and you will find I am not a terrible person..
Again thank you for asking the question