Hey GF, where are
11/14/2018 2:15:55 PM
I assume you are talking about this one?
lets just take a little peak - Democrat Strong hold Chicago shooting.
You also assume that the "cop" is the good guy with a gun, but as everyone was telling him that "He's security...." and they shot him in the side. I argue that this kind of behavior in a strong democrat area is that this cop is not always the "good guy with the gun" but just another person like yourself who sees a gun and reacts, in your case you scamper from the area, in the cops case before the sound of "He is security" can reach from his democrat ears to his brain he just gets "triggered" by the sight of the gun.
So you are making the arguement that we just need to hang around during an active shooter by a criminal, to wait on a cop to come help the criminal kill the "good guys"?
I find it funny since you are hyping a murder in Chicago you did not mention the others wounded and killed in the same democrat stronghold - and these 13 wounded and 2 killed were just on SUNDAY. Damn, you would think that will all that shooting and killing that they must use the gun show loophole 3-4 times a day and have the most lax gun control in the USA.
This is a perfect example of not all cops are good guys with guns, and when seconds count, cops are minutes away and some are as trigger happy as the criminals that they swore to protect us from.