I'm talking about those that insist on calling an AR an automatic assault rifle which it is not. It is semi-automatic. Fully automatic rifles are used by the military. I have exposure to gun magazines and I have never seen an AR marketed as an "assault" riifle. People have said that these shooters are "spraying" bullets which is not possible with a semi-automatic. Things like that, that are easily researched. I have no problems with opinions, but if you want to debate, debate from a position of basic facts.
I read an interesting article about the use of brain chemistry alterating drugs (such as SSRIs) and the possibility that these may be causing extreme aggression in these shooters. Or that maybe they are stopping their medication without medical supervision and that can cause extreme side effects. I have long had a problem with Drs. other than psychiatrists prescribing these medicines. Drs. who may not have studied how these can affect each individuals or who do not get the dosage correct to help the problem. The drug lobby is at least as influential in Congress as the NRA.