Biden coming for your "ghost guns"
4/11/2022 5:04:10 PM
In a sad attempt to make it seem like he is doing something to please the anti-gunners, Biden held his little pep rally speech about how he is going to go after ghost gun kits. Then he alluded to trying to reinstate "HIS" assualt rifle ban that HE got through while he was in the Senate.
Poor pathetic fool is wasting his time getting ghost guns serial numbered and requiring a back ground check for the receivers. The truth is that straw purchases are a bigger problem and no one has to pass a new law - they just need to go after people that lie on the FFL. There is a gun store in GA that is a known problem for staw purchases and the guns end up being sold on the street and used in violent crimes. It's not all that hard for a person to file a serial number off a gun when they intend to use it for illegal purposes.
Let's acknowledge that everything he does these days is to try to please his special interest groups to continue to get votes.
Not to mention that today, when the news went to his speech, he was hugging on some young lady that is, no doubt, an anti-gunner. I'm sure it felt like old times for him. And when she walked away his eyes followed her and he made some noise like "wow".