Obama Care
1/2/2017 2:08:08 PM
It goes to accountability, or rather the lack of in federal beauracracies. The same company paid tens of millions to do the Internet rollout of Obamacare with disastrous results was given millions more to "fix" it. Folks like Lois Lerner who blatantly broke the law, and ordered underlings to be complicate in her schemes are allowed to retire with no consequences and a pension she contributed nothing to.. How many of hillarys shills went before Congress and plus the fifth? The rules just be changed.
Medical malpractice is a problem nationwide Hut is not such an issue in Alabama. You don't see any medical malpractice attorneys on TV here. You see the ads for the national class action cases involving medical devices which is different. Doctors in Alabama have a pretty sweet deal because they almost all use the same insurance which has over 90% pent ration and they NEVER settle. The standard is litigate every case which makes it cost prohibitive for litigation. I'm sure some of you will disagree because you "know" somebody who sued and got a settlement. The issue is the size of the settlements they receive and only in cases of gross negligence. Even then you can't always sue.
I was in UAB ICU after I died post-op. After a few days I was alert enough to report an R.N. who was stealing my morphine injections. I reported her to the next shift and explained how she was doing it. It caused quite the stir amongst the staff. Some thought I was delirious and a "crazy spoiled white boy" and should be ignored. But it turns out she was doing it to all her patients and was caught red handed on her next shift. One would think that should be an automatic law suit, but not in Alabama. She was simply reassigned to a position that didn't allow access to narcotics. I only know this because of another wonderful lady on that unit that made sure I knew. She would have lost her job if the powers that be knew she kept in touch with me after discharge.
I could give details of a relative who went to the local ER in the midst of an obvious stroke and was transferred to another Birmingham hospital because the local Cat scan machine was down. He was admitted straight to a room but laid there for several hours still in stroke without so much as an aspirin being administered due to the doctor forgetting to call in orders. When I arrived several hours after the fact and raised hell did his treatment start. The doctor admitted to the entire family it was his fault. The patient never regained consciousness and died a few weeks later. We visited with the highest rated malpractice firm in the country but due to an extenuating circumstance and being in Alabama nobody would sue. The cost of litigating against the amount of recovery from an already sick older man was just too low. Sad but true.
It is true there is a whole class of people in this country who go day to day looking for any chance to file a "suit" against anybody they can. Some think everything something bad happens it has to be somebody else's fault and somebody should have to pay. I can't tell you how many folks ask me if I was going to sue when I got the staff infection a few years ago. I would simply explain that it very well could have been me who introduced the infection while purging a drainage tube so no, I had no intention of suing anybody. Some told me I was crazy and should sue anyway. I suffered for over a year and had three subsequent surgeries, but never considered suing anybody.
I have ranted enough I guess. I just long for days of personal responsibility and accountability of our government to the people they supposedly "seeve".