Doing any and all of those things for 30 years does not equate to the worry of wondering how you are going to make one private sector payroll. You will never get it. That guvment employee has a bank of vacation, sick and personal time from which to draw before the money runs out. But the most remarkable example of not understanding real world bussiness is using the example of having to rush to spend money that wasn't used in order to make sure you recieve the next years appropriation with the inherent increases is just beyond belief and proof positive you have no clue.
But to answer your question, yes, I expereinced it once during a short foray into contracting to work for an agency that recieved guvment funds. After over a year of prooving my worth my request for a modest increase in compensation was refused as unafordable but then a few short weeks later I witnessed the spending frenzy buying extra office suppliesn new furniture, and unneeded file cabinets and such just to make sure there was no money left. That spending spree was more than double what I had asked for in compensation. I'm sure right now you are smugly thinking it was obviuos that they didn't feel I was worth the money but I can assure that was not the case. My work was impeccable and my replacement left them wishing the director had just given me the money. In fact the position turned over three times in the next fiscal year trying to find someone who could do the calibre of work I did. In fact with all the added costs of extra training of replacements they actually had a true budget deficit the next year. The director was forced into retirement after that disasterous year. I still smile when I think of it.