BTW Archie
5/2/2014 1:55:11 PM
I noticed the same crap about the forum dying over on the joke site, which is where you belong. You have no idea how many folks read the forum daily. For that matter neither do I, but I know it must be a profiatable amount for Bruce because it is still here after 15+ years. I imagine he gives those numbers to current and prospective advertisers but not even sure of that. What I am sure of is it seems to always work well for any of the paying sponsors, if not they woudn't still be paying. The few I know have nothting but praise for the ROI of ad space here. I personally know at least a dozen folks that lurk on the forum almost daily but rarely, if ever, make a post. So drive on by anytime, always good to see you, but don't disparage what you simply don't like, which is opposing opinion.