copper....copper...copper........if you ever took econ 101 and/or tax policy you need to go back for a refresher. Tax policy is indeed complex and I don't pretend to know anything about it...... it's most simple form corporations do not pay taxes, they collect taxes for the gov't in an efficient way... their customers pay the taxes thru the cost of the product. Now taken to the extreme as the Dems like to makes those corps less competitive and the spiral goes down........there is and must be a level of tax collection done in this way but on a relative basis the tax level should not put these corps at a competitive disadvantage especially on the international stage.
With corps holding trillions of $$$$$ in foreign accounts waiting for a better tax treatment here it just seems to this old country boy that we would hit a trifecta if Congress would adjust tax policy so as to repatriate this $$$, make our corps more competitive, create more jobs here, and reduce some of the credit bubble dislocation that is taking place ( some corps are borrowing money to pay dividends for crying out loud 'cause lots of their cash is tied up over seas).
I've often thought that which ever party can find the courage to fix this will enjoy political power for a generation on this job creating move alone..........