Nope. I'll follow the prescription that my doctor gave me which is the same as the protocol from the FLCCC adn was filled by my local Publix pharamacy. And I would do that regardless of my vax status. Your crack about how I take it was meant to denigrate the medicine and failed miserably.
I'm sorry but your point about Africa, which you used to dismiss the compelling data whether you want to admit it or not, has nothing to do with this. It has nothing to do with testing of anything. Ivermectin is FDA approved and one of WHO's essential medicines. It is widely used in countries located in the central portion of the African continent and not widely used in the northern and southern countries in Africa. And the death rates from Covid are dramatically lower in those countries that use Ivermectin on a widespread basis. That is a fact-based assertion that can only be refuted if the data from the entire continent of Africa is garbage. But what they are seeing there is EXACTLY what was seen in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh with a population of more than 220M.
Your continued denigration of Ivermectin is not based on sound science and is at odds with overwhelming evidence that it can be one important aspect of successfully treating a viral infection. It can make the difference between a quick recovery and being hospitalized and worse. I just don't understand people like you. Why would you not embrace any possible treatment, especially one that is cheap and very safe for humans? Worst case is it doesn't help and you wasted a few dollars. But for millions, it has been a lifesaver.