Hey Hound
11/28/2018 10:48:59 PM (updated 11/28/2018 10:59:45 PM)
Dear Leader (nobody punched me) is not Kim Yung Un...he just wishes he was! Thankfully, the American people are finally letting him know loud and clear he is not!!
Donald Trump is headed for a drubbing in 2020. My fear is that he will holler once again ''Election fraud'', never accept the will of the people and barricade himself in the Oval Office and dare anybody to try to remove him! That's not a joke...this guy is that damn crazy!!
Now, I suggest you read the history of Germany in the late 20's and early 30's including the speeches from leaders of the time, the enthusiastic way the people let their freedom be eroded, and the actions and lack of action of the ''reasonable'' members of society, business, the religious community and political leadership as the storm clouds rolled in. The parallels are scary. Don't scoff until you do the comparison!
Finally, please point out a few of the ''original'' thoughts expressed by. Phil, Wix, MM, Butteye, Shortbus, etc, etc, etc on this forum!!