11/19/2017 11:25:07 PM (updated 11/19/2017 11:27:33 PM)
Typical...never answer the question...always change the subject.
Bill Clinton initially lied and said he didn't have sex with ''that woman, Miss Wilenski''. Later when confronted with evidence and under oath he admitted to having an ''inappropriate'' relationship...he told the truth when placed under oath. Are you absolutely sure your hero would do the same under oath? One of his accusers has brought a suit, so it is likely he will eventually be placed under oath. I am 99.9999% sure the a$$hole will have no problem whatsoever telling the same lies under oath he does in his tweets, but, if I am wrong and he does confess to ''inappropriate'' relationships will you call for him to resign? There it is again...that testy question that will, if answered (and I am fully aware it will not be) demonstrate whether you are actually willing to put your money where your mouth is or just continue to be a typical rightwing hypocrit.
Bill Clinton was a good president but sleazy human being and no hero of mine whereas Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter were mediocre presidents but a hero to me because they are exemplary human beings. Donald Trump is a miserable failure as both!