Government run amuck
2/27/2015 1:17:13 AM
... and he was against internet regulation, before he was for it, and he was against presidents grabbing power from the congress, till he was for it for himself, and Bush was unpatriotic for raising the debt to 11 trillion, before he raised it to 18 trillion and counting, and if you like your health plan you can keep it, and he was against extremists clinging to their guns and religion till he was for it for Islamic/muslim extremists, and he was for Egypt till Egypt kicked out his muslim brotherhood buddies, and Benghazi was all about a youtube video and not about funneling arms through Libya to his muslim brotherhood buddies AND to the good terrorists fighting Assad in Syria which are now called ISIS, and there were millions of shovel ready jobs for all that bail out stimulus money, and all those bankrupt “green” companies that got stimulus money are the future, and energy production is up except not on govt lands which have been further restricted, and he will expand off shore drilling if the rinos will wink and nod at illegal immigration, and oil price is down which kills US production, hurts Russia and solidifies Saudi Arabia and Iran’s market share for future huge increases, and fast and furious wasn’t a false flag to try to justify more second amendment restrictions, and, and, and …….
So, yeah, If obama’s for it, I’m aginst it.