9/30/2010 2:06:36 PM
We have been waiting (in vain) for the liberal participants in the forum to supply substantive argument and thesis defense. They have not been forthcoming on anything but slogans and condescension. Either they won’t or can’t backup up their positions with facts.
For example, Hound is constantly trashing Sarah Palin. While there are some things about her I would wish to be different, in the main, her experience and position are sound. I have done considerable research on her. For example, the REASON she resigned as governor of Alaska is that she was subjected to sequentially submitted, frivolous lawsuits mostly originating from a single, externally well funded, source. The Alaskan legislature is protected from litigation by State funding… the Governor is not. She spent a crushing amount of time and resources (successfully) defending herself from the lawsuits, but she was running out of money. She had to devote an inappropriate amount of time to lawsuits and she did not feel that Alaskan governance should be held captive.
So, I “called” Hound on her disparagement of Sarah Palin. Rather than place her cards on the table… crickets. What does this say about Hound?