Goats on the left - Sheep on the right
3/4/2025 8:39:49 AM
His wife wrote checks that went into overdraft. She borrowed money for a brand new Buick. The one boy she loved and the other new baby boy she ignored. Though the youngest boy was sick and malnourished she ignored him. She lied constantly – so much that neither she nor her husband could keep track of it. He chastised her constantly about the debt and the children. She spent him into bankruptcy. He sent the children away to live with their grandmother (who could not afford them). He divorced his wife. He filed for bankruptcy. And all of them suffered.
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Our Congress and our Executive branch has been kicking the can down the road for decades. WE have bought more Buicks than we needed or could afford. WE poured money onto those who neither needed nor deserved it. We ignored those who suffered and cried out for help. Our Congress, Executive Branch - indeed our government - has lied to us – stolen from us - so much that we cannot keep track of their avarice – neither can they.
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WE have been constantly warned about the reckoning to come. We have been warned about the pain and suffering to come. But our Congress, Executive Branch - indeed our government – had not the courage nor the wisdom to take such measure as to mitigate the coming crisis.
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Now it is upon us. Woe is us. We have met the enemy and he is us. Now there is whining and bleating. Wheat is being separated from chaff. Goats on the left – sheep on the right.
We should be lucky that there may be enough sheep dogs to get us through this. The sheep are unhappy. The wolves are stunned(and hopefully on the run).
May your children – and their children – thank you.
LMF Curmudgeon.