Old Diver
10/9/2016 5:40:47 PM
I would hate to have some of my old barracks conversations on the front page. Everyone is, I am sure, guilty of this to one degree or another.
For the media to be sitting on this some 10 years waiting to dump this on Trump at just the most strategic time proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that the media is firmly in bed with the Democrooks! So what if he is a bit salty. At least the man has management ability. Look at what he has done. They say he lost some one half billion. Well,yes, but it was his money and he made it back in spades.
Hillary lost some six billions at the State Dept. and it was the taxpayer's money. They don't even have a clue where it went! Now tell me , of the two, who do you want to manage our Government. Do you want hoards of Syains poring in shouting, "Allah ak Bar,"as they vote Democrook? Just look at what she sold the State Department for. How much could she sell the presidency for? Will Bill put in a rape room in the White House? The depth of depravity of these two is astonishing!
I am reminded of the time a comittee of the women's Temperance Movement met with Pres. Lincoln to complain about Gen. Grant's drinking. Lincoln said that if he knew his brand he would send him a barrel. He fights!