rude evin
Archy the Pretzel man
12/2/2015 9:50:55 AM
Getting more difficult to make those angles isn't it??
Since you made a demand for BHO's lies.....here are some more:
* "I didn't set a red line"
* " We need to close the revolving door that let's lobbyists come into gov't freely"
* "Not even a smidgen of corruption".......in regards to the IRS scandal
* " If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what." (This hydra headed lie got BHO elected)
Just as a refresher for you;
Lie......A false statement, or ACTION, especially one made with intent to deceive. Anything that gives or is meant to give a false impression.
* " We revealed to the American people EXACTLY what we understood at the time".....a lie about his original Benghazi lie