Mr H
7/3/2015 11:49:11 PM (updated 7/3/2015 11:53:05 PM)
Mr H I engage with the conservatives on this forum because they comprise 95% of it. I use the word conservative out of charity. The opinions of at least half of the posters on this forum would appall true conservatives such as Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, Everitt Dirkson, etc. The "conservativism" expressed time and again by some posters is based on hatred, yes I say it again, hatred of Barack Obama. More often than not no facts are offered, no inquiries answered, no counter-arguments offered ever...it is simply bash Obama and anybody else who does not harbor the same hatred.
I suspect I have voted for more Republicans in national elections over the last 50 years than you have voted for Democrats. I admit it is getting more and more difficult as the party has moved well past the center-right position once historically held by the GOP.
I am very liberal on social issues, I lean conservative on fiscal issues and am a cautious moderate on foreign policy. I am a proud southerner who is ashamed of how the extremists that have become the base of the Republican party make us appear (Judge Roy Moore, Gov. Jindal, Pat Robertson, Gov. Huckaby, ad-infinitum). I believe in low taxes but also know that our infrastructure is decaying and private money is not going to rebuild it. I believe America has to be strong but realize we cannot police the entire planet and even if we could we should not. I have my religious beliefs but if I am in the business to serve the public I would never use those beliefs to deny service to any of the public...religion has NO place in politics until you are in the voting booth. I believe in local control and local initiative until the locals refuse to take the needed initiative. I think we should stop illegals at the border and that one way to do it is make sure we punish the business owners who hire the illegals as severely as we punish the illegals themselves. I believe that if a child who is too young to know otherwise is illegally brought into the country compassion is demanded. I believe healthcare is a necessity and not a choice and I think that all citizens should be required to insure themselves with government help if needed, but l also believe that this action should be a personal responsibility rather than something provided by an employer. I believe in listening to the scientists rather than preachers or Congressmen or lobbyist when discussing a matter of science. I oppose abortion but will never force anyone else, especially a woman, to adhere to my beliefs. If this makes me a liberal then I am a proud liberal.