well put
6/23/2015 5:21:15 PM (updated 6/23/2015 5:32:45 PM)
In many parts of this nation outside the old Confederacy and by many, including some native white, southerners the battle flag can understandably be seen as a symbol of oppression and even treason.
The flag had nothing directly to do with the actions of this nut in Charleston, but the fact he saw fit to use it as a prop speaks volumns about what this flag has come to stand for in the eyes of millions. In the 1920's, 30's and 40's a group of blood thirsty nuts in Germany managed to forever corrupt a perfectly fine symbol used by both East Indians of Asia and native American Indians...in the 1960's through today, other nuts have sadly sullied another honorable symbol. Don't get me wrong, the real cause of the Southern rebellion was completely ignoble, but those who fought and died for that cause were noble and honorable men and women. It's time to move the flag to a position in a museum along with other relics of the lost cause. As a nation, we are better off as a whole to retire a symbol that has become as tarnished and divisive as the Confederate cross of St Andrew. The swastika will probably never be seen again by anyone, other than a few extremist racist nuts, with anything other than disgust. It behooves us not to let the battle flag continued to be degraded to the point it has a similar fate.