This guy
6/14/2020 11:40:25 AM
I've been following this. What is the common demominator in all these instances? Resisting arrest! The mayor (black) demanded the resignation of the Chief of Police (white) and fired the cop and put the 2nd cop on adminisrative leave. And then the mob burned down the Wendy's and blocked the road. Next time one of these calls comes up, I recommend the police tell the employees to deal with it. Some idiots have suggested that the police "should have shot in in the legs", obviously not understanding that when you draw a weapon you have made a commitment to use deadly force and aim for center of mass.
I'm watching this closely now the family is unsatisfied and demanding "answers". Want to bet that a cash settlement with the city, n the millions, will provide the answers.
We are entering a phase of lawlessness. People need to stand up and let BLM know that we're not going to put up with this crap.