Economists and health care experts have cast doubt on her numbers - the cost being much greater than she projects. She won't admit that middle class tax rates will have to go up - even Bernie admits that much.
My biggst concern is the number of Drs we will lose and people won't go to medical school anymore. Medicare pays a pittance and they are very slow to pay. Also, when I hear about everyone being put under Medicare, I don't hear any talk of supplementary medicare programs that most seniors have to have.
Why don't they just put the people that want it, under the Federal Employees Healthcare Program? That let's you chose among a number of plans and just by the volume alone, has better rates. I mean, if you are going to have the feds run a healthcare program, then tap into what is already there.
I don't like Elizabeth because she has become so shrill and convinced she knows everything - and that finger pointing as if lecturing.