Another classic example of Dem stupidity
3/20/2019 9:35:43 AM
So Kirsten Gillibrand wants to limit opiod precriptions to 7 days because ya know, no one needs 30 days for a wisdom tooth. Where do I begin in dissecting this abject stupidity from a Dem POTUS candidate.
First of all, no one gets a 30-day prescription for a wisdom tooth. It's usually 3 to 5 days and most people don't even finish those.
Second, I thought Democrats believed in my body, my choice......it's between a doctor and a patient, etc., etc. etc. So a woman can consult with her doctor and abort her baby pretty much whenever they want but not so when it comes to controlling chronic pain.
Third, most of the overdose deaths in America were the result of the use of illegal opiods, most commonly fentanyl smuggled in through Mexico. Between 2006 and 2017 the opiod prescription rate went down by 20% and opiod overdose deaths more than doubled, the vast majority of which were from illegal fentynal, not from prescriptions. What this will do is force people with chronic pain to seek illegal opiods which will increase overdose deaths, not reduce them.
Fourth, what is clear from the research is that people who are no longer able to control chronic pain have a very high suicide rate. So Kirsten prefers people kill themselves out of despair over chronic pain rather than allow a patient and their doctor decide what is best to control the pain.
Finally....oh never mind, I could go on all day about why this is abjectly stupid virtue signaling pretty much like everything the government does will only make things worse, much worse. But hey, she tried right? She meant well, right? Her heart was in the right place, right? Forget the actual facts, don't use logic or reason and never actually think things through before you act.
C'mon Kirsten, you have a staff and you still come out with this kind of idiotic stuff. They should all be fired for incompetence. Geez! Folks, this is why left wing nuts should never have power. They literally have no idea what they are doing because they are stupid, uneducated or miseducated and value intentions over actual results.