Maj I generally agree with your post
12/10/2018 9:13:41 AM
Your suggestion that a better word might be ''effect'' rather than ''blame'' is excellent.
Please read a few of my numerous posts during the last 10 years when there were postings related to equities and their performance. The typical message from most on this post was to condemn Obama regardless of the direction and praise Trump regardless of the direction. My typical response was to first suggest a bit of hypocracy and then to suggest that the performance of the markets was primarily influenced by forces not directly related to the actions or inaction of whoever happened to be president. The more correct influences were the actions of the Fed, international affairs, the price of oil, the weather, the pshchology of the current satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the citizens and even the unguarded words of an economist or CEO. The president and his policies can certainly effect the market, but except for extraordinary or emergency action of the executive, the presidental effect is typically to a lesser degree and shorter duration than other structural underlying economic forces.
The bottom line is, I do not credit Trump for 2017 nor discredit him for 2018. My simple question is to most (perhaps not you) on this forum...those who NEVER gave Obama even a grudging thumbs-up for anything, but are now pushing each other aside to be the first to praise Trump. Once again, if 2018 ends up negative, who will be the first to step up to the plate and criticize Trump for his ''effect'' on the market in the same manner you did for 8 years while Obama sat in the Oval Office?