Oh yes......
3/11/2016 12:44:01 PM
And the people that are loyal to Rush will continue to listen to him and the people that follow Bill Maher and Rachael will continue to follow them. After all, at the center of every joke there is a kernel of truth. I'm not a party voter - I'm conservative on some issues and liberal on others and that's okay with me. I usually just try to vote for whomever I think will do the best job given the choices. And I have to say that this election cylcle, I think these are the poorest choices in a very long while. I wish I believed in Bernie World, but I know that it will not work, I have no respect for Hilary, I think Ted Cruz is a sociopath and a "true believer" (which I have found is always dangerous), I think Marco Rubio might be great in the future, but he lacks expereince now. I want to believe that Trump would do a good job, but knnowing how slowly things go in Washington, I fear he would merely become impatient and frustrated and possibly do a lot of stupid things. I like John Kasich, but that may be more about his being the ony real adult in the campaign and not because of his beliefs. The rest of the herd were probaby wise to drop out when they did.