Some Things Never Change
2/23/2016 12:22:05 PM
As an outside observer, I would basically agree that DoD probably has a higher % of dedicated workers than other agencies. A govt shut down would probably affect productivity there. But, but, but.....I believe there is much entitlement, self righteous (I am better than that other worker) attitude. I believe there is overlap, over staffing, and yes some sitting around trying to figure out how to spend all the budget because we surely want Congress to think we need it all.
Perhaps it is because more money goes there, but the overspending and Unbelievable spending is highlighter more in DoD than in other agencies. The toilets that must be made of gold, so much for a bolt and nut, and some service station overseas that is in the millions if not billions. I say turn the DoD budget over to Greta Van Sustren and I guarantee we save some money.