5/30/2017 12:54:58 AM
Noise just really travels over the water - all noise: those that feel it necessary to use their chainsaws, and lawnmovers very early on weekend mornings, people that feel the need to rev their car, boat, jetski motors and voices. It is so effective, my dogs like to bark and listen to the sound come back to them, and then they think it is another dog (at which point they come into the house, because I have no desire to make my neighbors want to shoot the dogs). Oh yes, and those very noisy heat pumps that you are pretending don't need to be replaced. And when you are making all this noise in the middle of the week, because you think no one is here, think again.
I've also found that when music is on in the boat, it is sometimes hard to judge just how loud it is for everyone else.
Of course, some people don't care if they are bothering others. They don't want to be asked to turn it down, will be offended and somehow it will be your fault.