''It was a bad concept from the start,
10/24/2018 5:48:49 PM
People like Antifatech are all but trying to say that Trump either killed him personally, ordered it done or is complicit, they care more about a Saudi killed on Saudi soil then a murdered ambassador to the USA, the high body counts in places like Chicago of actual Americans, or people who are killed by foreigners on our soil. I do not recall seeing Antifatech or GFY up in arms over Kate Steinle or others killed on American soil.
They care because it fits the narrative of Trump hates journalists, one is killed so it is Trumps fault. If there was not a political edge to the message Antifatech would care about it as much as he cared about interns during the Clinton years, or the "truth" during the Obozo years.
They care more about illegal invaders then citizens.
We are not the worlds police department and should not be the worlds military it us not up to us to force our rights or opinions on the world. Antifatech and demonrats want to push us into a war with the Saudis because it is a lose lose situtation and will do nothing but destroy the economy and make Trump look bad. They looked the other way on pallets of cash to Iran, they looked the other way while Clinton got BJs in the oral office and attempted to paint a blue dress white, The looked the other way for every bit of fraud and lies to spy on the opposing canidate. They look the other way everytime a Demonrat is responsible.
Antifatech will say I am doing the same for not calling out Trump on his lies - but I know he lies, he is a politican now, you can not preach for 8 years about how Obozo had not one scandal, no lies, all truth and then get born again when the song changes.