Chinas Economy
1/19/2016 1:05:52 PM
The stock market is being driven by China's economic slow down and the free fall of the oil price, neither of which I think can be blamed on Obama.
Walmart is closing stores in many places, not just California - including 9 here in Alabama, so I don't think you can blame that solely on the $15 minimum wage. Yes, other companies are closing stores, but I suspect it has more to do with changing consumer patterns than anything else.
Companies that left this country to take advantage of cheaper labor costs, are in some cases, coming back now that that labor costs are increasing in foreign countries. Obviously, something needs to be done about the large companies from taking their headquarters off shore to avoid taxes.
It's easy for people that don't understand ecomics to blame Democrats and this WH for what is happening. But many of these things go in cycles. While I am not personally in favor of the $15 miniumum wage, it seems that every time there has been an increase in miniumum wage, someone has been predicting doom and gloom and layoffs.
Yes it is true that the unemployment numbers do not count those who have stopped looking for work, but there are a number of people that have gone on to create consultancies and other single person businesses. While they may not be making the kinds of salaires they made working for a company, they are, in fact, earning a livng.
Just like the Climate, these things come in cycles and people adapt. And frankly, no matter what the outcome of upcoming elections, these cycles will continue.