Rough River Lake Topics: Cookie Dough
(Rough River Lake Specific)
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(Rough River Lake Specific)
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Updated 4/15/2024 1:00:58 AM
Cookie Dough
11/11/2010 12:52:12 PM
When I was still working, I would dread the start of school, because our office would be inundated with requests to buy candles, wrapping paper, frozen pizzas, and a host of other things no one wanted because the school children were required to sell such. It didn't stop in the office -- outside the grocery store there would be kids every day selling Crispy Creme donuts for this or that cause. I felt bad for the parents, I felt bad for the kids and I felt bad for my employees, because who doesn't want to support their co-workers kids, when next week it would be their turn.
I'm not casting aspersions on those who are professional fundraisers or those who develop products for school kids to sell. But, why not raise the property taxes to the point that such efforts are not required? If the schools are in such need that they have to turn school children into little hucksters, then there is a problem. Or maybe schools could publish a list of twhat they need in the local newspaper and let the community donate directly to the school.
We had an "adopt a school" program where we donated basic school supplies to a particular school. Additionally, people were given a few hours a week off from work to actually go to the school and tutor. It was a great program, and everyone got a lot out of it.
Cat, I don't think you did anything wrong asking the question. You know those organizations that call on the phone to support the police or firefighters? Only 10% that money ever gets donated. You don't know unless you ask the questions.