Let me guess.....they were all vaccinated, right? And pegging the irony meter is that one of these morons has now actually advocated for universal masking. These people have no shame.
What's even funnier is that this cnnBS is completely wrong like Goofy's post. That number was actually vaccinated that required hospitalization. CDC knew at the time the number of reported breakthrough cases was double that at least. And that's just what is reported andI'm sure the number is much, much higher. Someone who is vaccinated and gets sick will more than likely think they have an ordinary cold or flu cause they're vaccinated against the Fauci virus.
No vaccine is 100% effective and breakthrough cases were always going to happen. What is important is how many end up with serious symptoms that require hospitalization...and on that score I think the vaccines are very helpful. But that's a different equation for someone that could end up in the hospital with the virus versus that vast majority that will have no to mild symptoms. People are so scientifically illiterate that it just amazes me.