Serious Issue
8/14/2020 12:46:39 AM
I had no clue the mail was slowed. I use e docs for everything, but still get the same 4 pieces of junk mail each week...aarp solicitation, payoff credit card, a State Farm "resident" mailer, and that coupon filled thing on Thursdays. The first of each month, I get a statement from a financial planner in Tennessee for the guy that hasn't lived here since I bought the place 6 years ago. I just slide it back in marked "not at this address" and flip the flag. I'm tempted to open it and see how his retirement planning is going. Thinking with 45 in office, probably swell. Each quarter, I get a slick magazine for veterinarians, again addressed to that guy. And once each year, a birthday postcard from the loan officer that did my mortgage. Not sure why I keep a mail box. I could probably even cancel my trash pickup if I took the box down. As for vets and meds, they've been screwed for years. Get a scrip for 30 days and 2 renewals, with a required follow up appointment routinely scheduled well past the date you run out of your 90 supply. Now you got me thinking....it could very well be during that "medication gap" that the Extreme Trump Dreangement Syndrome old Archie suffers with goes full blown. At times, you can even see the spittle on his posts. I always thought it was a lunar cycle but the medication gap thing makes better sense. Thanks for pointing that out