Food for thought
1/25/2018 6:14:18 PM
I am pro-choice. But the article does address the issue fairly from both sides. I don't necessarily agree that the Constitution's reference to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness extends to the unborn. I sincerely doubt the Founding Fathers were thinking of abortion, when at their time, people had many children and just hoped that some would make it to adulthood.
You know, women have always had abortions - they didn't start back in the 60s, when the legislation was passed. And there is no reason to think that outlawing abortion will stop it. What it will do, is force women back into alleys and backrooms, having procedures that put her at a great health risk. Although people are "pro-life" they seem only to be concerned with the baby and not the mother. And unfortunately, they don''t really care what happens to the child once they are born. It would be lovely to think that every baby born would go to a loving home, either biological or adoptive, but that really isn't the case. Unwanted children are often abused, both physically and emotionally. Having said that, unless the child's health or the women's health is at risk, I don't believe in abortion after 12 weeks and that answers the "viable fetus" question. Up until 12 weeks, the fetus can be removed using a lesser procedure (D&C) After that, you ae lookig at patial birth abortion.
But I liked reading your article and it is one of the better articles out there.