Politico krap.....
12/1/2016 11:57:37 PM
I can honestly say that I don't have anything positive to say about Obama's contribution to the betterment of our country over the last eigtht years. You keep saying that his leadership brought us back from the financial crisis of 2007/2008. I say the country actually made a comeback despite his "lack" of leadership. His 10 trillion dollar increase in the National Debt with little to show in return, his failure with Obama Care, the loss of jobs created by his EPA policies, the 90 million able bodied people who are not in the work force, the increase in people on welfare, the increase in people in poverty, his failure to admit the seriousness of ISIS by refering to them as the junior varsity, his many other missteps in foreign involvement, the increase in the division among the races, his use of the "pen" to sign executive orders thereby avoiding Congressional approval, his failure to work with Congress to pass laws that would benefit all people, his failure to enforce immigration laws that has resulted in thousands of illegal immigrants entering the country, etc., etc., etc,. I await anyones list of positive things his promises of "hope and change" have generated over the last eight years.