Questions - Answers
10/7/2016 5:34:52 PM
1/ Did you get your coverage from an ACA Marketplace provider, directly from the insurance company or from an insurance company through an employer?
From the same insurance company my employer has used for several years. I compared, and it is cheaper than the ACA Marketplace provider or directlyfrom the insurance company.
2/ Did you have insurance before ACA and if so, with whom?
I did have insurance before ACA. Who it was should not matter............
3/ If you did get your current coverage from from an ACA marketplace, where would you get insurance if ACA did not exist and what would it cost?
4/ If Trump is elected and he and his congressional allies manage to do away with the ACA, do you have any recommendation for the 20 to 25 million who will lose their insurance?
First, the number is closer to 16 million by the government's ACA website. Second, the 16 million is approximately 5% of the US population. Third, why should the other 95% of the population be penalized to provide healthcare for 5%? Fourth, ACA has so many other bogus crap in it that drives the cost up. Finally, ACA should be replaced with something that makes more sense. For example, if I did not have coverage, there would be a $2000 fine. That amount is much lower than all of my premiums for the year; so the fine is not a deterrent.