You have not won anything. You know MM, sometimes I find you amusing and insightful, but other times I find you to be a bit of a bully. You are one of those people that always has to be right. At one time, that would have bothered me, but at this point in my life I just let people like you be right, because the drama is not worth it to me. I literally don't much care - hence the comment to you to drink "gallons of it". That was supposed to be my message to you are Carlson - you like it, believe in it, then drink gallons of it. Be happy! Stay healthy! You can wear your little "I was right" badge proudly. LOL, usually I reserve my "I was right" badge for things that do well after I invest in them.
As far as AU-67, we have encountered each other in person. A bitter old man. I've encountered them before, usually standing with their arms crossed getting in the way of people getting things done. As far as the Admin thing - Bruce gave me Admin privleges at one point to deal with a problem that he didn't want to deal with. It was always at his discrestion and when he decided to withdraw it, that was his decision. I made an error in judgement and I can live with it because I am human - not the first mistake and certainly not the last. It didn't bother me one way or another. I'm teflon like that.