Carlson, maybe I'm as stupid as WIX claims
3/10/2020 8:46:34 AM
I think his point was maybe you will live past 2022 (or possible move to another state by 2022 not sure). But if people were not such panicky sheeple like yourself then maybe they might live beyond the 200 different things that were supposed to kill some major percentage since Trump took over.
I have a feeling you will make it and have a higher chance of death by natural causes unless you go licking doors at the Atlanta airport.
Its funny all of the predictions that the economy would tank, WWIII, net neutrality etc etc etc under Trump did not come true. You placed all your eggs in the Russian basket, then the Ukraine hoax - wake up or you are all going to die basket, he has control of the nukes - well I think you get the idea - and now Trump is going to kill us because he is suggesting that it is not "Trumps Chernobyl, Trumps Katrina, Trumps pick a man made or natural disaster of your choice while hoping that this time people die and markets tank so that you can say - Look its all Trumps fault - while in the same breath you would say that the same was not Obama's fault.
I feel sorry for you, depending on your age - maybe 2022 may seem realistic to you and natural causes, but chances are you will survive Wuhan, like you did SARS, bird flu, swine flu, ebola and all the others of the last forever. None of us can excape from natural causes and old age.