Whistleblower Complaint is Steele Dossier 2.0
9/30/2019 9:48:37 PM
I'm not on the impeachment bandwagon, because I think it is a kangeroo court. Once the Mueller report fizzled for Democrats, they need a new thing to investigate. They've wanted to impeach Trump since his first day in office, so now they are just moving on it. They have a chance to supeona a bunch of notes and conversations and leake it all to the media and fill the news shows with breaking news. No one conversation is going to be a real smoking gun.
I'm just struggling with the morality of it all. Why do candidates now think they need foreign collected dirt on each other, why hold funding hostage why do sons of VPs get paid to put their names on the masthead, and then when the going gets tough, his father wants to fire the prosecuter? What I am struggling with is how much it all stinks.
And I will be honest, I don't like Rudy Guilani. I don't trust thim and I think he is out for himself. At the end of the day, he'll hang Trump out to dry, just like Cohen tried to do.