Has it ever crossed your mind
9/25/2018 12:21:24 PM (updated 9/25/2018 12:27:54 PM)
Well when you or someone else comes up with a federal crime, please feel free to contact the FBI and say look here is a crime please go look at it.
The lie detector can be considered a modern variant of the old technique of trial by ordeal. A suspected witch was thrown into a raging river on the premise that if she floated she was harnessing demonic powers.
Such techniques never had much credibility. A subject who passed the test had a reasonably high probability of drowning that was at least preferable to getting burned at the stake as a witch.
So a Judge who knows that a polygraph is about as junk science as global warming should demand that a test be done that has no credibility, is inadmissable in court and a long list of people who failed a polygraph test who were innocent as well as really bad people who passed, but you go hang your pink hat on that one.
Maybe we should get you to submit to a polygraph to see if you are not a witch, or maybe you should jump into white water rapids. If you drown your not a witch, if you survive your a witch and should be burnt at the stake.
Have you called the FBI yet to see about getting your investigation done yet?
I find it funny, we know of no federal crime that has been committed, but hey lets request them to look till they find something. Guilty untill proven innocent is your motto Mr Kangaroo Kourt.