But there is accountability. there are letters of reprimand, time off without pay, denial of promotion, etc, unsuccesful performance reviews. And they do get used. But for political appointees, schedule C's, there are no rules. They can be fired or retained, they don't get performance evaluations and they don't get fired - they are offered an opportunity to resign. Most of the people like Lois Lerner are political appointees.... So you would have to ask the political appointees why there is no accountability.
This is nothing new. Doesn't matter what political stripe of the Administration. Political Appointees are in their jobs as long as whoever appointed them wants them there. And when it becomes a problem, they are offered the opportunity to resign.
And BTW, I've made those calls to contractors and had employees removed. Except in the case where I had a contractor downloading porn to his computer, most of the time they just get assigned to another contract. They don't usually just get fired. They are hired for a specific skill usually for a specific contract, but in my experience, most of the time they are just moved to another contract. My sister is a support contractor. She has her own business.