get out now
10/31/2006 5:46:14 PM
I believe you are confusing justice with vengance. When I say justice, I mean due process - arrest, trial (by a jury of one's peers), verdict, sentence. A "strong, concerted and immediate effort" cuts due process kind of short, I think. And the suicide terrorists would seem to be self-justic-ing (not a word, but you understand). Maybe war negates justice for all participants. Perhaps there are only victors and vanquished. I hate war. I hate that Americans who had no quarrel with Iraqis are losing their lives and, of necessity, I suppose, killing innocent Iraqis who had no quarrel with us, but who are now just in the way of the bullets. And why? Sure Saddam was a nasty man. But so is the leader of North Korea - and he actually detonated a nuclear weapon. And he is equally, if not more so, an evil dictator...why didn't we go after him? He's been in power for a long, long time, and his people are starving. But he does have a million soldiers guarding his borders. I wish I could believe that our government is waging this war to protect our freedom or our liberty or something. But I believe it's politics. And as an earlier post said, it is ridiculous to the sublime to continue to take the same action ("stay the course") but expect different results.