Exactly what
3/10/2009 2:26:20 PM
have we gotten out of Iraq vis a vis oil? While we have been in Iraq the price of oil soars and we were paying $4 a gallon, while Iraq signed a billion dollar oil deal with China.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there has never been any chance of a democracy in Iraq. Historically, they are not a democratic people, their roots are not in Western culture. They are a tribal people. I don't know if you have ever been to the Middle East, but I have been there a number of times since I was a Middle East desk officer. I didn't go to Iraq, but I have been to Kuwait, Saudi, and other countries on the Arabian Pennisula. The Arab mind does not work the same as a Westerner. Like Manyana in Spainish, En Shalaa in Arabic just means "not today". Maybe it will happen, if Allah will wills it.
I hate to even say this here, because no doubt that someone will call me a racist, but putting a democracy in the Middle East was thought up by Jewish Intellectual Policy Wonks, named Pearl, Wolfowitz, Feith (among others. In fact, a couple of them were actually Israeli lobbyists). They had written extensively about it. I've heard other Jewish people refer to Feith as a "Zionist". There were many political agendas involved in our going into Iraq, but none of them had to do with US National Security. That was just how they sold it to the American people. You can't point to one thing about Iraq that threatened US national security. Now Afghanistan, Yes, I'd agree that the Taliban allowing Terrorist Training camps posed a threat. But then, we also know they they have them in Sudan, but we're never bombed Sudan have we?